AMAANA Second Resolution
An emergency meeting of AMAANA executive committee was held December 22, 2019. Following was resolved:
- AMAANA will collect funds to support the injured students for their treatment, rehabilitation and their personal loss. We are appealing all AMAANA members to donate generously. Our goal is $20000 and up. You can donate via PayPal on AMAANA website or send a check for AMAANA to the treasurer Mohsin Alvi’s at 24 Grand Hill Drive, Dover, MA, 02030. We are pledging at least $10,000 to the student who lost his arm.
- The reports of police brutality and excesses are gut wrenching and ex-tremely disturbing that students of our alma mater went through this havoc for exercising their democratic right to protest. On behalf of all AMAANA members, we implore the university authorities viz. Vice Chancellor, Chancellor, Executive Council, University Court to exercise their collective power to bring the perpetrators to justice and criminal prosecution.
- We urge the university authorities that right to protest and freedom of speech must be upheld and to recreate safe environment for students to exercise their democratic rights.
- The university must provide unconditional legal support to the students to pursue ‘their cases in the court of law individually and collectively (if they so desire). No innocent student should be prosecuted 0r perse-, cuted for his/her right to protest against u~constitutional CAA or any other just cause.
- We appeal to all AMAA-NA members to stay united in our endeavor to support the harmed students and to bring all culprits to justice. A united front is critical at this juncture to be most effective. Our goal should be to help the affected students and put pressure on the university administration that something like this does not happen again and the affected students get the appropriate help that they need. We should refrain from negative statements from the AMAANA group against anyone at this very sensitive and trying times and trust that the AMAANA EC is with you to do whatever is needed to help the students of AMU.
Kohkan Shamsi, MD, PhD
President, AMAANA