Aligarh Medical Alumni Association of North America


Our Mission

Aligarh Medical Alumni Association of North America (AMAANA) is a not-for-profit medical organization, formed exclusively for educational, scientific and charitable purposes. Its mission is to promote the interests of JNMC by fostering a strong bond between the alumni and their alma mater, and in the process, contribute to the advancement of the medical profession, transfer of technology and sharing of knowledge.

The organization also provides a forum for JNMC alumni to discuss local issues pertaining to healthcare and the practice of Medicine in the United States and Canada.

Who We Are

The Aligarh Medical Alumni Association of North America (AMAANA) represents alumni of Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (JNMC), Aligarh, India working in the United States and Canada. It was established during the golden jubilee year celebrations of JNMCfor educational, scientific and charitable purposes.

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