Aligarh Medical Alumni Association of North America

Dr Katyal at JNMC

Aligarh, January 4, 2023: Dr. Anup Katyal, Adjunct Associate Professor, Saint Louis University, Department of Critical Care, Neurocritical Care, Mercy Hospital, St. Louis, USA delivered a guest lecture on “Intermediate Risk – High Risk Pulmonary Embolism” at J. N. Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University.

He delineated the risk stratification of pulmonary embolism including the Intermediate Risk High Risk Pulmonary Embolism, Ultra high-risk Intermediate risk, and various management options. He explained the pulmonary embolism related issues such as the clot burden based on modified Miller score, Clot Dissolution, Improvement of hemodynamics, Decrease Right ventricular afterload, short-term and long-term results, oxygenation and functional status. He also shared case reports and management options of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH).

The lecture was organised under the aegis of Aligs’ Academic Enrichment Programme (AAEP) in association with Aligarh Medical Alumni Association of North America (AMAANA). Both teachers and students at the college appreciated his lecture very much. In fact, some of the participants suggested having another lecture of Dr. Katyal on some other occasion through “Aligs Academic Enrichment Programme”.

Prof. M. U. Rabbani, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, while presiding over the lecture appreciated the AAEP and AMAANA for their active role at JNMC and taking such initiative in sharing mutual experiences, which would help our local consultants at JNMC. Earlier Prof. Rabbani introduced the speaker and his works and achievements.

Prof. Syed Ziaur Rahman, Coordinator AAEP, briefed about the activities of AAEP and welcomed the guest speaker and other participants.

The programme was attended by several faculty members and the students.

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Aligarh Muslim University

Dr. Katyal Delivers Guest Lecture
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