Aligarh Medical Alumni Association of North America

[Excerpt from article in India Education Diary]

Alumni of the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (JNMC), Aligarh Muslim University from various parts of India and USA came together to share experience of fighting Covid-19 in the third session of international webinar on ‘JNMCites ‘ Experiences from the COVID frontlines: USA and India’ organised by Aligs’ Academic Enrichment Programme (AAEP) in association with Aligarh Medical Alumni Association of North America (AMAANA).

“Pregnant women with Covid-19, who have pre-existing medical conditions, such as diabetes or chronic high blood pressure, or those who are older or overweight, are also more likely to suffer severe health complications due to coronavirus,” said the Chief Guest, well known paediatrician, Dr Hameeda Tariq.

She added that pregnant women are at increased risk due to physiological and immunologic changes in their bodies and infants born to Covid infected mothers should be kept under investigation.

Clinicians must temporarily separate the mother and infant to avoid transmission, said Dr Hameeda.

Dr Ananthakrishnan Ramani (USA) delineated Covid virus phylogeny and treatment algorithm, while Dr Mohd Aslam (India) discussed the renal challenges during Covid crisis.

Dr Asif Sultan (USA) also spoke about renal issues particularly acute renal failure, end-stage renal disease and chronic kidney disease.

Dr Manzoor Ahmad (India) elaborated the impact of Covid-19 on surgical workload and Dr Hemant Kumar (USA) briefed the facts and fiction of Saccovid? for treatment of severe and critical COVID-19.

Dr Kohkan Shamsi (President, AMAANA) and Prof Tamkin Rabbani (Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, JNMC) moderated the programme.

Prof Syed Ziaur Rahman (AAEP Coordinator) delivered the welcome address.

Dr Tazeen Beg (Vice President, AMAANA) extended the vote of thanks.

Doctors Share COVID Frontline Experiences
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