On behalf of AMAANA and as adjunct faculty, Dr. Kohkan Shamsi visited JNMC for a lecture program that was held on 7th and 8th Feb in the department of Radiodiagnosis. Prof. Ibne Ahmed, Chairman of Radiodiagnosis, organized this program. The program was attended by faculty members and post graduate students of department of radiodiagnosis and other departments. Professor Shahid Ali Siddiqui, Principal of JNMC also attended the program on the second day. The program included following lectures:
– Good Clinical Practice
– Increasing role of radiologist in drug and medical device clinical trials
– Independent assessment of imaging data acquired in clinical trials
– RECIST 1.0 and RECIST 1.1 (Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors)
– CHESON criteria for assessment of Lymphomas
– Role of Imaging in Alzheimer disease clinical
Dr. Shamsi has provided free access to all faculty members and residents of radiodiagnosis and therapy to online RECIST and other courses that are hosted at Blinded Reader and Investigator Training Institute (BRITI). This will help them to standardize radiological assessment and longitudinal follow-up reporting. BRITI was co-founded by Dr. Shamsi to train radiologists who are involved in assessing CT, MRI and other imaging data acquired in clinical trials.