Aligarh Medical Alumni Association of North America

The Fall House of Delegates Meeting will be held on Saturday, October 10, 2020. The virtual HOD meeting will deliver a full day of connections and content designed to tackle the tough topics you have told us are vital to you—from the impact of COVID-19 on pathology practices to advocacy updates that will inform you and your colleagues in the months and year to come.

We begin with HOD Steering Committee elections at 10:00 AM CT and conclude with a virtual networking session at 4:00 PM CT.

Note the schedule is Central Time.

Agenda Highlights

10:00 AM – HOD Steering Committee (HODSC) Elections

A record-breaking 18 members submitted nominations for seven leader spots on the HODSC. Hear from those candidates competing for the contested office. Then all HOD members will cast votes confidentially and electronically in a process governed by the Election Oversight Committee and its chair, Sharon Bihlmeyer, MD, FCAP.

Arizona delegation chair, Anil R. Prasad, MD, FCAP, led the Nominating Committee to review and recommend HODSC candidates. 

2020 Fall House of Delegates Meeting
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