Aligarh Medical Alumni Association of North America

Dr. Reshma Mahmood

Dr. Reshma Ali Mahmood

Message from AMAANA President
Dr. Reshma Ali Mahmood

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for giving me the opportunity of serving this organization for the next two years as President with a team of enthusiastic office bearers, as well as members of the group.

I want to thank our previous President and members for achieving successful fundraisings and providing professional help with a cohesive collaborative approach in these challenging times for the past two years.

Our goal for the next two years is to support JNMC with our professional expertise and be a mentor to the new generation. In addition, if and when there is any need for material supplies we will be ready to support the college and hospital. Some of our AMAANA members have great ideas regarding this and I’m looking forward to working with them on this.

As you all know, it takes a village to achieve any success either personal or professional , therefore I am requesting you all to participate by becoming members of this organization for the well-being of our Alma Mater and to make it stronger.

Moving forward, I request your support in helping us achieve success in our endeavors big and small, as each step we take makes a difference. I am hoping to work with the administration in AMU and JNMC in supporting and providing positive collaborations for the upliftment of our JNMC community.

I cannot thank my predecessors enough for taking AMAANA where it is today and making it a relevant entity. Looking forward to meeting you all on our annual gathering scheduled for July 23, 2022 in New York, if all goes well.


Reshma Ali Mahmood
President, AMAANA


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3rd Biennial AMAANA Reunion & Meeting
August 2019, Niagara Seneca Resort, Niagara Falls

AMAANA Meeting, August 2017, CHICAGO

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